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Recent content by John Doe

  1. J

    FS: Tello with *all* the extras

    No extra batteries, I'm afraid. I'm selling because I had so much fun with the thing I splurged on a Mavic Air, and as great as the Tello is for flying indoors, I just don't use it anymore.
  2. J

    FS: Tello with *all* the extras

    I have here a used but undamaged Tello. It comes with everything you need: the drone itself, prop guards and a bunch of extra propellers, but also a very nice carrying case, *and* a Xaomi repeater (in fact 2 Xaomi repeaters, if you want both), *and* also the latest Gamevice controller, which...
  3. J

    My personal range record

    I'm enjoying it. If you don't, feel free to refrain.
  4. J

    My personal range record

    Feel free to post your own below, along with any tips you may have. This one was over a golf course in the middle of town, some interference, 14 mph winds. As I'm starting back the Tello loses the signal, drifts over the road, and starts to land, but I moved the repeater and it came back...
  5. J

    Tello. Whats possible?

  6. J

    Does this seem like excessive vibration to you?

    That doesn't look normal to me: I've flown in significant winds and never had shaking like that. It looks to me like the image stabilizer isn't working. I'd return it for another.
  7. J

    10m altitude limit

    Here's 30 meters -- about 100 feet -- slight breeze, Tello solid as a rock, and capable of flying at least 100m horizontally with good video reception. No hit on battery life that I could see. The Xaoimi repeater makes a huge difference. (A tip: wear a shirt with a breast pocket, and put the...