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Manufacturing date and battery quality


New member
Nov 29, 2022
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Hi everyone,

I am brand new with the Tello, just received it today for my son for Christmas. The first short flight in our house was quite impressing for this drone and I am looking forward to get a lot of information here from other Tellopilots.

However, I am bit concerned about the manufacturing date of my tello and the battery. According to the label on the sealed box, the Tello was manufactured 03/2020 which seems to me that it is more than twomand a half years old. So is also the battery, two and a half year just laying in the box probably exposed to self-discharge.

What do you think? Should I try got a newer one? Is there anything which haa changed over the last years?

Thank you in advance for your comments
I bought a few Tellos both brand new and some had been sitting on the shelf for some time (2 years and more for my Iron Man Tellos). Batteries never had issues. They have always been good for 12+ minutes when brand new (slow indoor flight without prop guards), but within few weeks quickly dropped to ~10 minutes where they stabilize.
But even very old batteries are still good for 8-10 minutes.

The batteries are tiny and work hard but still much better than most tiny toy drones..
Self discharge rate of Tello batteries seems very low, as long as they are not inserted inside Tello. So, if they were not exposed to extreme conditions during that time, I would not worry.

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