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[SOLVED] Sensor Error


New member
Jul 12, 2022
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Hi guys! This is my first time posting in this forum. Last weekend I received my first drone, a Tello!! So I'm new about this.

Unfortunately I've received an error in the oficial Tello App "Sensor Error" it doesn't show more details, only that the message is color red. This happens after 5 minutes aprox hovering. And the front led keeps red and constant. I don't know what's happening and I don't find some information about that.

With this error I can continue flying but the drone doesn't response well, like it's control were failed.

Also I saw that when this error happens the altitude indicator is wrong, for example I was flown at 1.6m then, wen the error happened the indicator showed 0.3m.

What could it be?

PD. The battery was at 100%. This error was happened all the time that I've flown.
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Was it indoor or outdoor?
What was the texture of the ground? How much light did you have?
Was it indoor or outdoor?
What was the texture of the ground? How much light did you have?
Hi, this happen wherever, in outdoor (cement) and indoor (tile), the light is pretty good I have big windows. I don't know if my ambient temperature is too high. I live in a place where usually we are at 40°C at 5:00 pm. I usually play with my drone at that time. And thinking about this, the error appears about 5 minutes after that I've taken off. I've read that the Tello drone has a working temperature of 40°C but my ambient room temp is 40°C so, could this be the problem?

Are there someone that has flown at high ambient temperatures?
Hi, I found the answer!! Yesterday I flown my drone in my bedroom with AC at 25 Celsius, and the problem didn't appear. So its a temperature problem, in normal operation conditions I think that Tello drone rises its temperature about 10-20 Celsius above the ambient temperature, so in my case, with an ambient temperature of 38 C + 10 C = 48 Celsius degrees!! And that was the problem...

I hope this information helps someone.
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